Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Ring Shot!

My first ring shot! I know it's not perfect, but besides the less-than-perfect quality, it turned out great! Someday when I get a macro lens, my ring shots will be AMAZING!

I may not be the best photographer (yet) but when a picture turns out well it gives me the greatest satisfaction. That's how I know I want to be a photographer... nothing else I do makes me as happy as when the technique I'm learning is mastered or when I get a perfect picture. I don't have the most professional tools right now, and I know only a poor craftsman blames his tools, but I know that someday when I get a good lens (if nothing else) my pictures will be worth buying. I'm so excited for this and I'm thrilled to have a small group of people supporting me and my dreams from the beginning. <3

Emily Cerasani Photography

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